Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Transportation and Arrival

12 Sept 12. 0630am in MZ---11:30 pm on 11 Sept in Illinois.

Arrived Cuambo, my home for the next week at about 330pm 11 Sept, after 10 hour train ride through beautiful country.   Mountains, plains, 15-20 stops over the time.  Each stop had local vendors selling chickens, bananas, tomatos, onions, mangos, roasted white corn in the shuck and on the cob etc through the train windows to the passengers.   Marketing at its most direct and efficient.  70% of people in MZ depend on production agriculture for living.  There is a rainy winter season and if no rain occurs, the country must import food.

This is a former Portuguese colony, only20-30 years removed from a war of independence and a civi war.   Our alternative transport Tuesday was an unpaved road.   They are working on paving.  So expeect improvements. 

Today, I meet with the University farm manager and the academic and administrative side of the unviersity.  Finally on the job after 4 days of travel.

Jim Traub 


  1. Great to hear from you...hope you are taking gobs of pictures! Remember the camera! Country sounds beautiful and very different. All seems well here, nice weather and green now after the rain. Miss you very much. Enjoy it all and stay safe! Love you!!!

    1. Took a lot of pics from train and then Wednesday with phone around village. I need to work on getting the pics over to "someplace" else. ie the laptop and/or blog.
