Sunday, September 16, 2012

Yankee from the Midwest about Town.

It is Sunday noon in MZ.   Another hot day after some winds Saturday evening.  No rain.  Had some great fish yesterday at a local restaurant. 

Having big problems with the University wireless service and my modem but am on line now at University.

Probably do not have time now but want to post some pics.  Primitive housing, bamboo sides and grass roofs.   The structure uses a mud dob as a "glue" to hold together the frames.  This is the norm in the town.   There are some modern constructed houses(modern is relative) from appearances.  Am told that they are predominantly from the Colonial era.   

The village seems to have several auto parts / garages.  A few grocery/bakeries, A few restaurants.  Food is acceptable so far.  It does take a little more effort to figure out what to buy but so did the BROWN BAG in Monticello when I started there. 

My big purchases are bottled water.  Not eating as much and feel ok so far.  But taking in a lot more water.  

The red dust is pervasive.  I seem "gritty" all of time.   The other perspective that hits me right now is that this place is isolated.  Cuamba is 7-10 hours from Nampula, where I stayed one night and will stay one night more on return trip.   So, you live more deliberately and simply.  Lots of motor bikes and a few vehicles.    The restaurants are small town comfortable---that is I am obviously different than the populace, but it is sort of like walking into a restaurant in small town Nebraska--they know I am not local but they are not hostile.  

Everyone seems to have cell phones.  I have also seen Harvard sweat shirts, basketball shirts that say BRYANT  and JAMES etc.   It is not unusual to see the scrimmages on the outdoor basketball court with Bryant agains Bryant with different colors.   

Progress is trying to be made, but it seems a fragile process.   It is difficult to see all progress being locally and sustainable.  There is now a coal project that has outgrown the port of Beira and is now coming through Cuamba on its way to Nacala.   One would hope that some of this revenue would enure to the locals.   

More later.
Go IlliniGo SagesGoEskimos
Jim Traub

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you Jim. Very interesting comments. I hope you are taking many pictures, of people and faces and everything. You must be losing some weight in all that drinking of water and less eating! Hope your aches and pains are less as well. The Illini won but it was a small school, don't know about Monticello. The Monticello celebration was fun and had gorgeous weather. Everyone says hello, your Dean coffee buddy is reading about you but can't figure out how to make a comment yet! Watched Elvis last night at the Tin Pan and enjoyable as always. Praying for our country, the leaders, and our people anywhere overseas, including you! Miss you much, Linda
